STEP 251: Mycology Media For Everyday Use (CE: 0.5)


This article discusses the use of media in mycology laboratory practices. Media is critical because it can either encourage or discourage the growth of fungi. A basic nonselective media will enhance the growth of all fungi. Antibiotics and/or chemicals can be added to inhibit fungi that are considered contaminants, the so-called saprophytic fungi, and bacteria. Therefore, a basic nonselective media and a selective media should be used to isolate fungi. In this article, the types of fungal media are examined: general nonselective media, selective media, and differential/morphology media.


Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the use of general nonselective media
  • Discuss the use of selective media
  • Discuss the use of differential/morphology media



Barbara DeBurger, MT(ASCP)

Joel E. Mortensen, MLT(AMT), PhD


Launched: 2003