Management Skills: Gaining Commitment - Setting Performance Objectives That Work (CE: 1.0)


Getting team members to buy into performance objectives is often a huge obstacle to reaching organizational goals. After completing this course you'll have new strategies to keep employees engaged. As a manager, it's important you're able to explain what an effective objective is in order to get commitment from team members. A critical aspect of this is clarifying how their work fits with the organization's stated goals. A motivated employee who understands the purpose of their objectives is more likely to pitch in.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize when team members are not engaged in an objective
  • Motivate employees to become engaged in seeing the objective through to completion
  • Set out concrete objective criteria to keep team members engaged
  • Identify the importance of both intellectual and emotional engagement

Launched: 2023

Additional Information:

No Refunds

Expiration Date - 12 months from the date of the first-course launch