Delivering Feedback - Fixing Performance Problems (CE: 1.0)


There's a right way and a wrong way to deliver feedback. In this course we'll examine what makes constructive feedback effective and how it results in better performance. We'll cover the C.E.D.A.R. model of engaging employees through feedback. This model enables you to clarify your expectations, explain what you see as an issue, discuss the problem, agree on a plan to fix it, and review the outcome. This straightforward method involves treating people with respect and knowing when to listen.

Learning Objectives:

  • Determine that the purpose of providing feedback is to improve performance
  • Utilize the C.E.D.A.R. model to engage employees
  • Develop a plan of action in agreement with the individual
  • Listen to counter-feedback because you may be part of the problem
  • Treat individuals with respect and courtesy for better results

Launched: 2022

Additional Information:

No Refunds

Expiration Date - 12 months from the date of the first-course launch