First Aid Basics (US) (CE: 1.5)

Review how to properly and quickly respond to a variety of emergency situations, including breathing and choking emergencies, heart attacks and cardiac arrest, minor and severe bleeding, simple and compound fractures, and shock. The course offers clear instructions on how to assist the injured person during the emergency until medical help arrives.

Learning Objectives:  

  • Define the role of the first aid provider
  • Recall seven emergency action principles
  • Identify the type of breathing emergencies: respiratory distress and respiratory arrest
  • Explain the differences between rescue breathing techniques for a child and an infant
  • Recall the first aid techniques for choking including partial and full airway obstruction
  • List the steps of CPR Recognize the role of the Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
  • Describe how to treat minor cuts, lacerations, and severe bleeding emergencies

Launched: 2021

Additional Information:

No Refunds

Expiration Date - 12 months from the date of the first-course launch