2013AM: Promoting Good Point-of-Care Practices for Waived Testing (CE: 1.0)


This presentation discusses waived testing trends, assessing waived testing quality, and identifying quality gaps in sites that conduct waived testing. The presentation also reviews management responsibility for testing and the regulatory and physical requirements for testing.  Test selection, personnel training and assessment, the importance of following the manufacturer’s instructions for testing, and quality assurance are also covered.


Learning Objectives:

  • Describe overall trends for laboratories that perform waived point-of-care tests.
  • List common quality gaps that exist in sites performing waived tests.
  • Outline the key considerations and practices that need to happen before waived testing occurs.
  • Define the key laboratory practices that need to happen during the performance of the waived test.
  • Discuss important CDC educational resources for performing quality waived testing.



Heather L. Stang, MS, MT (AMT)

Launched: 2013