STEP 478: Supporting our Patients through Cultural Humility (CE: 1.0)


With the country continuously changing and becoming more diverse, we often strive to be culturally competent when working with our patients. Although there is often a focus on healthcare disparities in ethnic populations, all people from all cultures deserve to be treated with cultural sensitivity. In general, people seek healthcare services with the expectation that they will receive appropriate treatment from trained providers and that they will be treated with respect for their cultural values, beliefs and needs. This expectation can be a challenge when healthcare providers have not had specific training to support all the populations they serve. This article discusses moving from cultural competency to cultural humility.


Learning Objectives:

  • Define cultural humility and cultural competency.
  • Discuss the difference between cultural sensitivity, cultural knowledge and cultural competency.
  • Describe cultural humility strategies to support patients.



Rikkisha Gilmore-Byrd, MS, DrPH, HS-BCP, CHES,

Reyna Gilmore, MD


Launched: 2020