STEP 466: Case Study: Another Bad Bug (CE: 1.0)


This article presents a case study of a 63-year-old female, seen in her primary care physician’s office with complaints of upper right quadrant pain, no appetite for three days, a temperature of 38.5C, and overall malaise. When questioned about the timing for the onset of the symptoms, the patient shared that she had returned home from an overnight trip to a conference, three days prior to this office visit and the symptoms had begun during the drive home. When asked about the foods ingested prior to the onset of symptoms, the patient indicated there were no unusual foods ingested during that time and there had been no vomiting or diarrhea that accompanied the present symptoms. The patient described the ongoing pain in the right upper quadrant as feeling like a belt was being tightened around the ribcage and had been treating that pain with acetaminophen with minimal success. The article outlines the case results.


Learning Objectives:

  • Reflect on a case study outlining R. planticola
  • Discuss the risk factors for R. planticola
  • Describe the clinical presentation of R. planticola



Deborah Johnson, MS, MT(ASCP), SM, AHI(AMT)

Beverly Barham, PhD, MPH, MT(ASCP), AHI(AMT)

Meridee Can Draska, MLS(ASCP), AHI(AMT)


Launched: 2019