STEP 437: Case Thirty-One: Need For Speed: When Turnaround Time Matters (CE: 1.0)


This article focuses on a 21-year-old female status post liver transplant at 19 months old due to autoimmune hepatitis presented with new-onset productive cough, fatigue, headaches, and anorexia for one week associated with weight loss. Five months prior to presentation she received a kidney transplant due to tacrolimus-induced renal toxicity. Learners are encouraged to read the case study to determine the cause of the patient's symptoms.


Learning Objectives:

  • Reflect on a case study outlining N. otitidiscaviarum
  • Discuss nocardial infections
  • Discuss the pathology of N. otitidiscaviarum



Scott Bielewicz, M(ASCP),

Rebecca Brady, MC,

Joel Mortensen, PhD


Launched: 2017