STEP 357: Case Sixteen: A Common Organism in an Uncommon Place (CE: 1.0)


This article focuses on an eight-week-old infant who presented to the emergency department with a fever and fussiness that was difficult to console. Bilateral otitis media was diagnosed on the initial exam. Initial diagnostic testing consisted of cultures of blood and urine. The patient received a single intramuscular injection of ceftriaxone and a prescription for amoxicillin.  Learners are encouraged to read the case study to determine the cause of the patient's symptoms.


Learning Objectives:

  • Reflect on a case study outlining P. multocida
  • Discuss the pathogenesis of P. multocida
  • Discuss the laboratory identification of P. multocida



George Chang, MD,

April Kilgore, MC,

Ashley Bowman, MT,

Joel Mortensen, PhD


Launched: 2009