STEP 296: Antibiotic Resistance: A Demise for Health Care (CE: 1.0)


There are no therapeutic interventions for many antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and developments of antibiotic resistance to the commonly prescribed  drugs  are steadily increasing. In fact, there has been no new successful class of drugs with a novel mode of action since the introduction of nalidixic acid in 1962. Resultant of these problems antibiotic-resistant bacteria have a complicated choice of prescribed drug regimens and increased the expense of treatment. This article discusses several treatment methods such as, bacterial interference, bacteriophage therapy, bacterial vaccines, and antibacterial agents. 


Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the causes of antibiotic resistance
  • Identify antibiotic resistance mechanisms
  • Describe modern antimicrobial therapeutics



Sean S. Kardar, MS , MT


Launched: 2005