STEP 278: Catalase Negative Gram-Positive Cocci Part Two: The Streptococci (CE: 1.0)


Part Two of this STEP series, like Part One of The Catalase Negative Gram Positive Cocci is intended to be a review of what the author considers to be most relevant for a routine Microbiology laboratory. Learners will review Group B, Group C, Group G, and Group D Streptococci. Also included is enterococcus and pneumococci.


Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the clinical manifestation of Group B and Group C Beta Hemolytic Streptococci
  • Describe the clinical manifestation of Group G Streptococci
  • Describe the clinical manifestation of Group D Streptococci
  • Describe the clinical manifestation of Enterococcus
  • Describe the clinical manifestation of Pneumococci



Patrick V. Cuviello, MS, MT(AMT)


Launched: 2004