STEP 263: The Antiglobulin Tests (CE: 1.0)


The antiglobulin tests are the most powerful tests performed in the routine blood bank. These test procedures provide mechanisms for detecting incomplete, nonagglutinating, IgG antibodies in serum or on red blood cells. There are a number of different methods that can be applied to these procedures including 1) agglutination procedures; 2) solid-phase red cell adherence tests; 3) automated testing platforms; 4) immunofluorescence; 5) radioimmunoassay; 6) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays; and, 7) monoclonal antibody-specific immobilization of erythrocyte antigens. This article will focus exclusively on the red blood cell agglutination procedures.


Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the principles of antiglobulin testing
  • Discuss the direct antiglobulin test
  • Discuss the indirect antiglobulin test



George H. Roberts, EdD, MT(AMT)


Launched: 2003