STEP 343: The Moment of Truth on Hypertension (CE: 1.0)


At least 122 million Americans are overweight or obese. Mean sodium intake is approximately 4,100 mg per day for men and 2,750 mg for women, 75 percent of which comes from processed foods. Fewer than 20 percent of Americans engage in regular physical activity, and fewer than 25 percent consume five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily. The prevalence of these characteristics is high. The prevention and management of hypertension are major public health challenges for the United States. This article discusses the reality of hypertension.


Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss the importance of systolic blood pressure
  • Identify cardiovascular risk factors
  • Discuss lifestyle modifications to prevent and manage hypertension



Dr. Joseph H. Balatbat, RMA, RPT, AHI


Launched: 2008